What Do You Think of…?

Not a day goes by when someone doesn’t ask me a question along those lines. Athletes, friends, family – doesn’t matter. “What do you think of gizmo X?” “Is it OK to eat Y before bed?” “Which diet is best?”

As I’ve repeatedly stated – you must establish context. Adjectives are meaningless without context. Good, bad, best, worst, etc. all must fit the context provided. Distance running? Great for distance runners, not so much for football players. Powerlifting? Great for powerlifters, not so great for distance runners, OK (though not optimal) for many other athletes. Pizza and cookies? If it fits in your caloric allotment, go ahead.

It’s why I was so thorough a few days ago in pointing out that the program I outlined was one I use for certain athletes at certain times of year – others could certainly benefit, but they don’t have the same needs, training backgrounds, etc. Something else would probably work better. So to give blanket recommendations about any single exercise/program/food/diet/whatever, if futile without first establishing what it is being used for.