Training is Not Linear

In training, it often seems as though our best performances seem to “come out of nowhere” – not that we aren’t training for them, but they happen at unexpected times. Unfortunately, the body does not adapt linearly, which is where a lot of people get frustrated.

It would be great if everything happened in a straight line – we could plan accordingly, and know when the good things are about to happen. The reality is, improvement will come in fits and starts. There will be good days, really good days, bad days, really bad days, and a lot of average days.

All of this underscores the importance of repeatedly showing up – putting in the time and the work will often result in the performance you want. Certainly it helps to have a good plan in place to get you there, and is the backbone of success. But as has been said, a mediocre plan carried out with passion will always out-perform the perfect plan that doesn’t get done.